Net direct tax collections from April 1, 2024, to March 15, 2024, stood at Rs Rs 21.26 lakh crore, up 13.13% year on year, boosted by total advance tax collections of Rs 10.44 lakh crore, up 14.62%, official data released Monday said.
The advance tax collection for the March quarter of Rs 2.94 lakh crore
Corporates have paid Rs 7.57 lakh crore advance tax and individuals, firms and LLPs have paid Rs 2.87 lakh crore as advance tax from April to March 15 period.
Out of the net direct tax collections corporate tax stood at Rs 9.69 lakh crore and personal income tax stood at Rs 11.01 lakh crore.
Gross direct tax collections before refunds stood at Rs 25.86 lakh crore as of March 15, up 16.22% compared to the same period last year, a second official said.The government issued record refunds of Rs 4.60 lakh crore till March 15, up 38.13% against the refund of Rs 3.3 lakh crore issued for the same period last year.
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