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PS5 gets an amazing new feature and it won’t cost you a penny

The PS5 is getting a big new update, complete with an amazing new feature that will come in handy when playing with friends. The upcoming PlayStation 5 system update will finally added Discord integration to the console. This means you no longer need to have your PC or the Discord app open when using the service to communicate with friends on the PS5. According to Sony, the update will roll out over the coming weeks, beginning in Japan/Asia, followed by Europe, Australia, Middle-East and the Americas. Needless to say, you’ll need to update the system software to use the feature, and link your PS5 and Discord accounts. If you’re not sure how it all works, there’s a step-by-step guide further down the page.

In addition to Discord integration, the new PS5 update will give users the ability to share PlayStation Network profiles on messaging and social media apps.

Essentially, this means you’ll have the ability to create a QR code that can be shared with friends online.

According to Sony, this new feature will make it easier than ever to find friends and enjoy the console’s crossplay functionality.

Sony explains more: “To begin, select “Share Profile” from PlayStation App or the PS5 console to generate a shareable link or QR code.

“When the recipient opens the link, they’ll have the option to add you as a friend once they’re signed in to PlayStation Network.”

Step-by-step guide to setting up Discord on PS5…

1. First, link your Discord and PlayStation Network accounts

2. Press the PlayStation button on your controller to open up the Control Center and navigate to the Game Base.

3. Pick the new “Discord” option in the Game Base.

4. For calls in Discord server voice channels: Select a server you’re in and a voice channel and hit join.

5. For Discord voice in a DM or Group DM: Select “Direct Calls” to open up a list of your DMs and Group DMs, organised by the last time the conversation was active, and press join.

Content Source: www.express.co.uk

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